Alright, now that I've got that out of my way....
In the first 30 seconds you mentioned Hitler. Please tell me this isn't going to be about Hitler. Please.
"Could Einstein have accidentally helped the Nazis build a time machine?"Well, I guess it is going to feature Hitler....
I guess this week people watched "Let's Kill Hitler" and the Indiana Jones movies before producing this?
They're talking about Nazis potentially doing stuff in secret as if it's a question. Third Reich scientists carried out clandestine experiments on everything. Even - no, especially - implausible metaphysical type things. Are you seriously failing that badly at history that's only 80 years old? Oh, and "Super secret Nazi technology?" Thank you for those precise academic terms.
For what is probably the first time, and quite possibly the last, in this show's lifespan, it argues that an ostensible spaceship crash is actually not a spaceship crash. Because it's a Nazi time machine crash.
"...rituals of stargazing, believed to enable time travel." Well, if you take the Wilfred Mott approach, I guess stargazing maybe can help time travel?
Sirius is apparently where these aliens came from, because why else would people in multiple, separate ancient cultures be fascinated by the brightest star in the sky?
Nope, that actually doesn't look like a representation of a spiral galaxy. That is actually a single spiral, and that is a series of concentric circles. *facepalm*
Inaccurate visual of the day: A discussion of neutron spins accompanied by a clip of people in a lab lit solely by green light, pouring something that looks like liquid nitrogen into something else.
Oh, they actually used the word "Stargate". I HAVE WON ANCIENT ALIEN BINGO!
No, they're mentioning the LHC now... even better.
And they just used the word "god particle."
Oooh, and they're talking about aliens like the "Roswell" aliens. And how they look like how some people think humans might look in the future. Once again, some kind of wibbly wobbly timey wimey logic they're using here!
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