Saturday, January 5, 2013

So what am I doing with this blog?

I don't know. I guess since it's 2 AM, or more precisely past midnight but it feels like 2 AM, or later, my brain is making the kind of decision that brains make when they think it's this inappropriate of an hour and it's come to the conclusion that Twitter, Tumblr, and other such places aren't a sufficient way for me to put every thought that comes through my head out into the universe.

Because I'm jobless and have far too much time to do things and the power of the internet at my fingertips. I feel like I should be, I don't know, writing radical new programs or apps, or cracking into high-security places and exposing corrupt corporations, or something. But instead I'm going to use this to shout at the TV where everyone can hear or something like that.

Oh, yeah, a side effect of being jobless is that I watch a lot of TV. A LOT of TV.

Right now I'm Netflixing my way through Once Upon a Time, Being Human (with live chats with my sister, mostly about how gorgeous Aiden Turner is and how we wish Annie was our BFF and how really really freaking beautiful Aiden Turner is), Star Trek: TNG, and Doctor Who with my roommate.

Then we have, at last count, 30-ish shows on our DVR, which sounds like a lot but some are regular-season shows and some are mid-season shows and some are summer shows and some are British shows that have sporadic periods of five or six or seven new episodes at a time, and our DVR can only record two things at once. Right now, a lot of things are on hiatus, but in the regular season we've been watching Rizzoli & Isles, Arrow, Criminal Minds, SVU, Glee, Project Runway, Elementary, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

And I'm a mere two episodes away from the thoroughly epic-looking conclusion to my absolute favorite TV show of all time, Fringe. The concept alone interested me, the first promo made me determined to watch the pilot, and here I am, five seasons later, wondering what the hell I'm going to do with my Friday nights now. (Actually, maybe that's why my brain thinks it's 2 AM)

Other things that might happen include various forms of geekery, cooking misadventures, bemoaning my state of unemployment, updates on my cat, the completely surreal experience of living in Los Angeles, various things concerning science, links to cool things I find on the web, extensive excitement about comic conventions and who/what I'm cosplaying, and me complaining that the LA weather still isn't warm enough for about half the year.

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