Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Off-Topic: The Academy Awards

I'm going to keep it brief considering it was a 3-hour telecast...

The opening where Captain Kirk awkwardly kept telling MacFarlane he'd be the worst Oscar host ever? That was kind of prophetic. Since the list of things that merely fell flat, or were painfully awkward and/or bizarre (The teddy bear, anyone?) is too long, here's the short version:

Things that were overtly offensive:
  • "We saw your boobs"
  • The joke about eating disorders
  • The joke about the show not being gay enough
  • The joke about Quvenzhane Wallis having 15 years before she's "too old" for George Clooney
The actual funny things:
  • The sock puppet "Flight"
  • The intro for Christopher Plummer
  • The time he simply said "The next presenter needs no introduction" and actually just walked off the stage without doing an introduction. (The presenter was Meryl Streep)
Entertaining moments that had nothing to do with MacFarlane:
  • Jack Nicholson sitting in his usual seat
  • The performance of "Goldfinger"
  • A tie for Best Sound Editing
  • Quvenzhane Wallis being freaking adorable
  • Jennifer Lawrence tripping on the way to the stage
  • Michelle Obama announcing the Best Picture winner
  • That moment of suspense where we all wondered how it'd go over if Best Picture went to Zero Dark Thirty
Absolute worst moment unrelated to the show:
  • The Onion's Twitter feed made MacFarlane look tame and inoffensive by comparison when they tweeted some 'satire' calling Quvenzhane Wallis (a nine-year-old girl!) the "C word."
So, yeah, that's it. I'm now an enthusiastic supporter of the 'Tina and Amy to host EVERYTHING!" movement again.

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