Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More New TV!

So, this is gonna be super-brief because my life is chaos now. And because there's only been one episode.

Graceland: USA, Thursdays 10/9C
Anyways, the premise is that this brand-new FBI agent gets stuck in a beach house for undercover FBI, DEA, and CBP (or ICE? They weren't clear, they just said "customs") agents, code-named "Graceland." This beach house is in an undisclosed location in southern California Venice Beach and all kinds of hilarious run-ins with the locals ensue, and the show definitely has some local LA humor - my roommate and I were dying at the "movie" bit - but looks like it could go in some pretty intense and dark directions.

This is one I'm definitely going to start DVRing.

Primeval: New World: Syfy, Saturdays 10/9C
I'm DVRing this, too! You might already know, but I love the original Primeval series - I just want to catch up on it before starting the new one.

Orphan Black: BBC America, on hiatus
Yeah, I wrote a post about it recently. But I finished the season and I'm actually more amazed. Tatiana Maslany needs not just all the Best Actress awards, but like 3 of each Best Supporting Actress award. I've never seen a show go from starting off slow to having a holy-sh!t-what-the-F*CK finale like that one, and it's taken a turn into a much more sci-fi kind of territory. (Although if you've read Next by Micheal Crichton you might guess where it's going) and I completely can not wait for next season!

And one remarkable thing about the Emmy buzz is that this isn't a BBC show that's re-airing on BBC America or PBS, thus making it eligible; This is a BBC America original series, meaning it was their production house (which makes what, maybe one or two shows of its own) and their tiny budget and not the BBC and their slightly less tiny budget that made it - and on top of it being a cable channel, this is a cable channel based around the idea of broadcasting existing programming in a new market, not so much around having original programming or (much) syndication like USA or TNT might have. So it'd be really interesting to see how this might affect TV production by cable channels if it wins any awards.

ETA: Any more awards - as I was writing this, it turns out that Maslany won a Critics' Choice Award

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